Hi folks!
Thank you so much ordering Forgotten Saints and holy cards last week! Holy smoke, I’m stunned and amazed and extremely grateful! I spent most of this week packing up orders and as I was finishing… I slowly began noticing six Saints watching me box up their friends… with wistful looks on their holy faces. Then I started to hear whispering… and murmuring… until I finally could hear what they were saying and realized...
They were The Truly Forgotten Saints.
Saints that were listed in my shop at the same as everyone else— but as ‘Out Of Stock’ from the very beginning. (I won’t bore you with details of how my anxious brain or my approach to shop data-entry works… but I’m afraid that is exactly what was to blame.)
And so, I present you with a Communion of The Truly Forgotten Saints. If you were unable to purchase a Saint last week or if you were hoping for one of the truly forgotten and were bummed to see ‘Out of Stock’…
They are currently, suddenly and surprisingly available in my shop.
As I reread their stories and patronages… it all begins to make a weird sort of sense. (Saint Thelonious, Saint Malignine and Saint Senna told me that the stars, wind and maps were not right last week, Saint Lulu told me there wasn’t enough theoretical hum in the air and Baba said she just wasn’t ready…but I think they’re just being kind.)
There are a handful of boxed sets of Forgotten Saints cards still available.
I will share the Truly Forgotten Saints on Instagram tomorrow for everyone else to take a look at.
(and now I’m going to go have a really long nap.)
x jana